We are planning a send-off for the Farmington High School Class of 2011, and naturally you want to be a part of the excitement. Our all-night graduation party will be a night to remember.
But what IS a moustache-a-thon, anyway?
How do I decide WHO to bestow my hard earn donation on?
This is an area that can get a bit tricky. We are certain that you will be drawn to an appealing or attractive moustache or two. The criteria can range from the grower's name, hair color, density, lack of follicular direction, whatever. Keep in mind, our grower's are collectively trying to raise money toward the 2011 Farmington High School All-Night Senior Party. Along the way, they will individually be rewarded for their success through resounding revelry, accolades of the highest esteem, and most importantly...bragging rights.
So, you've made your choice and you're ready to donate! Click on the donate button and donate via Paypal or credit card. If you don't feel comfortable sending your donation electronically, then send your check made out to Farmington High School with the grower's name in the memo line to:
Farmington High School
20655 Flagstaff Ave
Farmington, MN 55024
Thanks for your support, and good luck to all of our faces!